
Components may sometimes manage state, or configuration. We encourage the use of DOM as state, rather than maintaining a separate state. One way to maintain state in the DOM is via Attributes.

As Catalyst elements are really just Web Components, they have the hasAttribute, getAttribute, setAttribute, toggleAttribute, and removeAttribute set of methods available, as well as dataset, but these can be a little tedious to use; requiring null checking code with each call.

Catalyst includes the @attr decorator, which provides nice syntax sugar to simplify, standardise, and encourage use of attributes. @attr has the following benefits over the basic *Attribute methods:

  • It maps whatever the property name is to data-*, similar to how dataset does, but with more intuitive naming (e.g. URL maps to data-url not data--u-r-l).
  • An @attr property is limited to string, boolean, or number, it will never be null or undefined - instead it has an "empty" value. No more null checking!
  • The attribute name is automatically observed, meaning attributeChangedCallback will fire when it changes.
  • Assigning a value in the class description will make that value the default value, so when the element is connected that value is set (unless the element has the attribute defined already).

To use the @attr decorator, attach it to a class field, and it will get/set the value of the matching data-* attribute.


import { controller, attr } from "@github/catalyst"

class HelloWorldElement extends HTMLElement {
  @attr foo = 'hello'

This is the equivalent to:

import { controller } from "@github/catalyst"

class HelloWorldElement extends HTMLElement {
  get foo(): string {
    return this.getAttribute('data-foo') || ''

  set foo(value: string): void {
    return this.setAttribute('data-foo', value)

  connectedCallback() {
    if (!this.hasAttribute('data-foo')) = 'Hello'

  static observedAttributes = ['data-foo']

Attribute Types

The type of an attribute is automatically inferred based on the type it is first set to. This means once a value is set it cannot change type; if it is set a string it will never be anything but a string. An attribute can only be one of either a string, number, or boolean. The types have small differences in how they behave in the DOM.

Below is a handy reference for the small differences, this is all explained in more detail below that.

Type "Empty" value When get is called When set is called
string '' getAttribute setAttribute
number 0 getAttribute setAttribute
boolean false hasAttribute toggleAttribute

String Attributes

If an attribute is first set to a string, then it can only ever be a string during the lifetime of an element. The property will return an empty string ('') if the attribute doesn't exist, and trying to set it to something that isn't a string will turn it into one before assignment.

import { controller, attr } from "@github/catalyst"

class HelloWorldElement extends HTMLElement {
  @attr foo = 'Hello'

  connectedCallback() {
    console.assert( === 'Hello') = null // TypeScript won't like this!
    console.assert( === 'null')
    delete // Removes the attribute
    console.assert( === '') // If the attribute doesn't exist, its an empty string!

Boolean Attributes

If an attribute is first set to a boolean, then it can only ever be a boolean during the lifetime of an element. Boolean properties check for presence of an attribute, sort of like how required, disabled & readonly attributes work on forms The property will return false if the attribute doesn't exist, and true if it does, regardless of the value. If the property is set to false then removeAttribute is called, whereas setAttribute(name, '') is called when setting to a truthy value.

import { controller, attr } from "@github/catalyst"

class HelloWorldElement extends HTMLElement {
  @attr foo = false

  connectedCallback() {
    console.assert(this.hasAttribute('data-foo') === false) = true
    console.assert(this.hasAttribute('data-foo') === true)
    this.setAttribute('data-foo', 'this value doesnt matter!')
    console.assert( === true)

Number Attributes

If an attribute is first set to a number, then it can only ever be a number during the lifetime of an element. This is sort of like the maxlength attribute on inputs. The property will return 0 if the attribute doesn't exist, and will be coerced to Number if it does - this means it is possible to get back NaN. Negative numbers and floats are also valid.

import { controller, attr } from "@github/catalyst"

class HelloWorldElement extends HTMLElement {
  @attr foo = 1

  connectedCallback() {
    console.assert(this.getAttribute('data-foo') === '1')
    this.setAttribute('data-foo', 'not a number')
    console.assert(Number.isNaN( = -3.14
    console.assert(this.getAttribute('data-foo') === '-3.14')

Default Values

When an element gets connected to the DOM, the attr is initialized. During this phase Catalyst will determine if the default value should be applied. The default value is defined in the class property. The basic rules are as such:

  • If the class property has a value, that is the default
  • When connected, if the element does not have a matching attribute, the default is applied.
  • When connected, if the element does have a matching attribute, the default is not applied, the property will be assigned to the value of the attribute instead.

Remember! The values defined in the class field are the default. They won't be set if the element is created and its attribute set to a custom value!

The following example illustrates this behavior:

import { controller, attr } from "@github/catalyst"
class HelloWorldElement extends HTMLElement {
  @attr name = 'World'
  connectedCallback() {
    this.textContent = `Hello ${}`
// This will render `Hello World`

<hello-world data-name="Catalyst"></hello-world>
// This will render `Hello Catalyst`

<hello-world data-name=""></hello-world>
// This will render `Hello `

What about without Decorators?

If you're not using decorators, then you won't be able to use the @attr decorator, but there is still a way to achieve the same result. Under the hood @attr simply tags a field, but initializeAttrs and defineObservedAttributes do all of the logic.

Calling initializeAttrs in your connected callback, with the list of properties you'd like to initialize, and calling defineObservedAttributes with the class, can achieve the same result as @attr. The class fields can still be defined in your class, and they'll be overridden as described above. For example:

import {initializeAttrs, defineObservedAttributes} from '@github/catalyst'

class HelloWorldElement extends HTMLElement {
  foo = 1

  connectedCallback() {
    initializeAttrs(this, ['foo'])

defineObservedAttributes(HelloWorldElement, ['foo'])

This example is functionally identical to:

import {controller, attr} from '@github/catalyst'

class HelloWorldElement extends HTMLElement {
  @attr foo = 1